Frequently Asked Questions

  • Starting a new professional relationship is hard. There are several starting points Old Alt New can recommend:

    1. Ask yourself, “What matters the most to me?” and seek out an architect who demonstrates that quality through their words and their work. This usually starts by visiting a firm’s website, but this search can include reading articles, listening to podcast interviews, and visiting completed projects in person.

    2. If a friend or family member has worked with an architect in the past, ask them for advice.

    3. Ask an architect! There is no harm in reaching out and introducing yourself. Even if that architect isn’t the right match for you, they will likely be able to steer you in the right direction towards an architect who is a better fit for your needs.

  • Foam Insulation, the GOOD:

    • a thin layer of foam offers the same insulation performance as a much thicker layer of other insulation products

    • many foam products can handle direct ground and water contact

    Foam Insulation, the BAD:

    • foam is a byproduct of petroleum processing - buying new foam supports fossil fuel extraction

    • some foam can be recycled, but most cannot, and foam is not biodegradable

    • Some foam insulation materials can off-gas chemicals during and after installation, which may cause respiratory issues or other health problems for sensitive individuals

    • the blowing agents used to produce foam and spray foam are extremely detrimental to the environment. A house insulated with spray foam insulation may cause more harm to the atmosphere during installation than the home’s entire lifetime of reduced energy consumption due to the added insulation.

    • with careful design and installation, foam can be part of a home’s vapor and air barrier strategy - but mistakes can lead to trapped moisture and mold. Old Alt New prefers to use vapor-open insulation products and dedicated membrane layers to address vapor and air control.

  • Fixed Base Fee + Hourly Services (As Required) = Hybrid Design Fee

    Instead of charging a single fixed price that would cover the predicted costs of any and all service needs, Old Alt New combines a lower base fee with hourly service additions that cover extra design needs as they arise. No one wants to pay more than necessary, so during design, it is up to the Owner to decide whether or not any additional hourly services are required. During construction, it is primarily the decisions of the Owner and the actions of the contractor that decide whether or not any hourly services are necessary.

    Old Alt New assigns a base fee to each scope of work. The base fee covers all the required responsibilities and promised deliverables articulated in that phase of the project. This is what the Architect can control. On some occasions, the base fee will be the only fee charged by the Architect for the corresponding project phase, but usually, additional hourly services are necessary to fulfill additional Owner needs or requests. Old Alt New includes Anticipated Hourly Services as a budgeting line item so that a realistic Hybrid Design Fee estimate is presented.

  • No, the base fees are not based on the Owner’s construction budget or the square footage of the project - they are based on the time it will take the Architect to question, design, coordinate, and document the services promised. Old Alt New is not incentivized to inflate the cost or size of your project - instead, Old Alt New is incentivized to deliver a design that meets and exceeds your expectations on schedule.

  • Yes, Old Alt New LLC maintains a professional liability insurance policy (errors & omissions policy) at all times. A copy of our insurance policy can be provided upon request.

  • It’s slimming. And it hides coffee stains.

  • Tricky question…

    Yes, a project’s 'first costs’ - or the money it takes from the start of design to the end of construction - tends to be 3-8% higher for a Passive House project than a status quo building. It doesn’t have to be that way and this isn’t an absolute fact, but this is common for most projects.

    But, Passive House projects save money every month they operate. Utility bills are lower (or even non-existent) and annual maintenance costs are reduced versus a status quo project. These monthly savings can “payback,” or make up for the added first costs, in 5-20 years.

    A Passive House project might cost a little more to design and build, but it is also a much better building.

    Take a look at the Passive House page for more information.

  • Strictly speaking, no, Old Alt New does not provide interior design services.

    Old Alt New provides cohesive architectural designs that span both inside and out. This includes complete interior spaces with materials, finishes, and hardware selected and coordinated from design through construction. Both interior and exterior material palettes are scrutinized to match your needs and maintain a coherent aesthetic across the entire project. You, the client, are an absolutely essential part of this process.

    Old Alt New favors durable, low-maintenance, and natural materials whenever possible, and times out of ten, strives to create simple and beautiful spaces to be filled by you and your own personality.

    Old Alt New is always happy to work with other design professionals. If your project would benefit from a separate interior designer, interior decorator, or lighting specialist, those individuals can absolutely be a part of the design and construction process.