Old Alt New is a residential architecture firm in Denver, Colorado.

Old Alt New Logo. Black text on a white square background.

Practical. Beautiful. Sustainable. Earnest.


Old Alt New

Are you interested in architectural services, high-performance renovations, additions, new accessory dwelling units (ADUs), or residential infill construction?

Do you need a Passive House consultant?

Please reach out with any questions, and Stewart Gohringer will get back to you shortly.

Thank you for your interest!

What can Old Alt New do for you?

Targeted improvements to the layout of your home.

Smart renovations that add comfort, quality, and healthy environments.

Thoughtful additions that improve the function of your entire home.

Recommend actions that you can take, with or without the help of an architect.

Design new urban infill construction.

Maximize zoning regulations to get the most out of an accessory dwelling unit (ADU).

Offer you something beautiful, unique, and environmentally responsible.

Old Alt New designs residential buildings within existing urban neighborhoods, including:

  • single-family homes

  • accessory dwelling units

  • duplexes

  • small apartment buildings

  • renovations

  • deep energy retrofits

  • thoughtful additions

  • and new infill construction

Old Alt New believes that each project, big or small, is responsible for its social and environmental impact.

Old Alt New is inspired by maximizing the utility of small spaces, employing low-carbon construction methods, and maintaining project simplicity from start to finish.

Old Alt New also works with other architects and builders to improve the envelope performance of their projects.