003 - Concept Design

$1,500 - $3,000

What is a Concept Design?

A Concept Design translates the Owner’s project goals into form, material, and performance criteria while adhering to the size, zoning, and budget constraints established during the feasibility study. A successful Concept Design package serves as the creative benchmark for all subsequent design phases.

The Concept Design phase includes a formal Concept Design presentation and discussion. This meeting is the Owner’s opportunity to see and hear the Architect’s approach to solving their project needs. It is also a test of the Owner’s and Architect’s working relationship. The initial Concept Design does not need to be a perfect match with the Owner’s wants and needs - it can be refined and improved - but the Architect must demonstrate that the Concept Design can both solve the Owner’s goals and spark excitement.

Services Included:

  • 1-to-3 viable concept proposals, based on the approved feasibility study

  • at a minimum, each concept will include:

    • Scale drawings (plans and sections) of existing conditions and proposed concept

    • Perspective drawings and/or conceptual renderings to show rough proportions of the proposed project on-site

    • suggested exterior material palette

    • Approximate room dimensions and areas


  • A multi-page Concept Design PDF

  • A Concept Design presentation and discussion

  • On an hourly basis, feedback from the Concept Design presentation and discussion can be incorporated into a revised Concept Design package - honing the successful aspects of previous designs and incorporating Owner feedback to reach an improved Concept Design.

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Concept Design Sample Images: